How to Take Smart Notes
For the past year, I’ve been hard at work trying to improve my reading. My reading habits had waned a few years after I left school, relying on audiobooks and podcasts to supplement a busy schedule and growing family. But as I prepare to go back to school, reading well is possibly one of the most important skills one could work on. Of course, reading well for academia is not simply a matter of reading quickly (although it seems one can never read fast enough!). It’s also a matter of what you do with what you are reading. I attended a workshop on speedreading techniques in seminary, and over time…
Just Do Something (Book Review)
I never changed my major in college and I’m proud of that. But that’s only because nobody forced me to sign papers any sooner in the process. I had a hard time choosing a major. I expected it to be romantic: our eyes would meet across a crowded hallway and I would just know this was my destiny. This is where I belong. Like so many people, I grew up with a sense that my career mattered to God. But in college I figured it was up to me to make it work. It wasn’t until seminary that my views shifted. After all, I felt like seminary was a calling,…
Is There a Doctor in the House? (Book Review)
There are few decisions I regret more than the desire to be “normal” again. After seminary, I dove right into a year of doctoral studies before realizing I needed a break. The break was glorious. I read all kinds of things, worked through personal issues, thought great thoughts, did “practical” things. And all the while, I was driven by this need to keep going, one that had been instilled at Dallas. And then a few years later, with a full-time job, a growing family, a mortgage, and some heartbreak in ministry, I wanted out. I wanted the book monkey off my back. I wanted to be “free.” I decided to…